Academic Information

Classes and Grades

Term of study and term of enrollment

Term of study

This refers to the period required for graduation, which is more than 2 years for the master's course and 3 years for the doctoral course.

Academic year, semester and class days

Academic year, semester and class days
Academic year From March 1 to the end of February of the following year

Two semesters in each academic year; seasonal semesters are allowable during the vacation period.

  • First Semester: From March 1st to August 31st
  • Second Semester: From September 1 to the end of February of the following year
Class days The number of class days in a regular semester shall be at least 30 weeks in each academic year.

Credits earned per semester

Up to 6 credits can be acquired each semester.
Only students with an average GPA of B+ (3.5) or higher in the previous semester (earned 6 or more credits) can register for up to 9 credits per semester.

Credits from other graduate schools

  • Credits earned from other graduate schools in Korea or abroad can be applied through a prescribed examination by the Office of Academic Affairs only if courses are the same or similar to those offered by the school and the grades are B+ (3.5) or higher.
  • Credits earned from other graduate schools that implement a credit exchange system with universities are applicable according to said agreement.
  • Other matters related to credits are determined separately by the Rules for Enforcing School Regulations.

Course credits

Courses Thesis Courses Substitution Courses Remark
Master’s course 24 30
Doctoral course 39 None

※ If you wish to acquire a master’s degree through substitute courses, you must fill out the [Application for Additional Courses in Substitute for Master’s Thesis] form and submit it to the Office of Academic Affairs at least 3 semesters in advance.

Grade evaluation

  • Academic performance is evaluated by integrating tests, assignments, and attendance.
  • If a student misses more than 1/4 of the total class hours each semester, the grade for that subject will be F.
  • For academic grades within Grade I, if there is no re-evaluation by the professor in charge until the end of the semester, the grade for the subject will be F.
  • Letter grades, scores and ratings for academic performance are as follows.
성적 평가

Letter Grade




95 - 100



90 - 94



85 - 89



80 - 84



75 - 79



70 - 74



Below 70



Temporary grant in case of grade retention





Credit recognition and completion grades

If the academic grade of each subject is C (Grade 2.0) or higher, it is recognized as a credit, and the total GPA of the required credits for completion must be B (Grade 3.0) or higher.

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