Affiliated Organizations



Vitalization of Industry-Academia-Research Cooperation

To discover new growth drivers with the enhancement of industry-academia-research cooperation,
thereby enhancing national competitiveness and vitalizing the knowledge-based economy, the government allows
the establishment of the “Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation” (IACF) as the governing body exclusively
responsible for the university to systematically manage and support industry-academic cooperation,
covering research-based development, technology transfer, and start-ups.

Accordingly, the “IACF Accounting Rules (2003)” was enacted to prepare the basis for the establishment and operation of IACF.
As stipulated in the “Budget Planning and Financial Operations for IACF (2004)”, government grants should be controlled by IACF.

Seoul Venture University established its IACF as the legal entity to activate industry-academic joint research
and commercialize research outcomes. In addition to the existing strategy of developing the university with its academic reputation,
we, as a research-oriented university, intend to increase SVU’s share in contributing to national competitiveness
through the vitalization of industry-academic cooperation.


  • University subdivision under the direction and supervision of the university president
  • Responsible for management of all IA cooperation and R&D support projects as the special cooperation
  • Signing and executing contracts related to all IA cooperation and R&D support projects
  • Having a legal status as the subject of contract as the (special) legal entity


Under the “Industrial Education Enhancement Act and Industry-Academia-Research Cooperation Promotion Act”, SVU IACF aims to supervise and control various IAC projects such as government grant management, fundraising, winning project orders and research cooperation with companies; to share the knowledge related to basic research and development that we have accumulated for a long period of time and the experience of developing various technologies with industries; and to build an industry-academia-research network in cooperation with the central and local governments.

  • IAC researches
    IAC education/training
    IAC network
    IAC infrastructure

    Transfer of
    knowledge and skills
    that the university has

    Fostering excellent human resources needed by
    the industry

  • 국가산업 발전을 위한 실용연구와 실용학풍을 구현

    Practical research
    for national industry

Main Tasks

IAC Affairs
  • Seoul Venture Form (once a month, regularly)
  • Brown bag meeting (for venture business)
  • IAC planning
  • IAC business planning and budget formation
  • Entering IAC contracts
  • Technology transfer and commercialization
  • Other IAC-related matters
  • IP-related matters
  • Buildup of aregional innovation system
  • Marketing based on IAC activities and outcomes
  • Support for Technology Transfer Center, SME Support Group and start-ups

IACF Organizational Chart

IACF Organizational Chart

Current Status of IAFC Laboratories

Smart City Technology Management Research Institute

Smart City Technology Management Research Institute

Aims to contribute to social and national developments by researching issues arising out of the planning and development policy systems on the economy, society, and cultural environment in relation to U-City convergence and urban regeneration, such as for urban industry, traffic, and the environment in a comprehensive way that combines business models and designs within the framework of smart cities.

Smart Management Laboratories

Smart Management Laboratories

Aims to raise brand awareness and reputation of Seoul Venture University, and to improve the research capacity of the students using sustainable education embracing both students and alumni.

Drone Convergence Laboratory

Drone Convergence Laboratory

Aims to conduct various academic research and educational activities related to the drone industry, and contributes to strategically building the future drone industry in Korea by collaborating with domestic and overseas relevant institutes.

Convergence Industry Marketing Research Institute

Convergence Industry Marketing Research Institute

Aims to carry out various projects such as marketing research on overall business management, marketing talent development, marketing advisory and consulting to contribute to the country, public institutions, and corporations.

Seoul IT Counseling Psychological Research Institute

Seoul IT Counseling Psychological Research Institute

Aims to conduct all academic research and educational activities related to counseling psychology and cooperate with domestic and overseas institutions to establish and develop social support system contributing to mental health.

Venture Management Research Institute

Venture Management Research Institute

Aims to carry out research-related projects such as R&D, education, and consulting in the field of venture management, as well as various internal and external projects related to corporate management, and also to present various business models to the state, public institutions, schools, corporations, and social groups.

Beauty Art and Culture Research Institute

Beauty Art and Culture Research Institute

The Beauty Art and Culture Research Institute conducts research and development in multilateral convergence fields where the beauty industry and cultural arts management intersect, and contributes to national economic development by conducting domestic and international research-related projects through education and consulting services.

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