Introduction of Departments

Department of Convergence Industry

Information Management

Information Management

Information management embraces all the generic concepts of management and various issues across sectors, such as planning, buildup and exploitation of information systems, and software quality control. This is based on the rapidly changing information and communication technologies and business administration. We are particularly focusing on a cycle of organizational activity involving theoretical and practical enhancements of quality, accessibility and utility of acquired information to meet a corporation’s needs. Information strategy is closely related to the construction and control of governmental systems.

  • Department Description
  • Professor introduction
  • Course information


With the rapid development of the Internet and information technology, the effective cycle of information management, including collection, organizing, construction, processing, distribution and analysis, has been recognized as a decisive factor leading to an organization’s success. Therefore, today’s managers are required to have qualifications and capabilities as information managers. Meanwhile, the demand for experts in information management has also increased in each sector of society for enhancing economic efficiency. To satisfy the demand, we aim to create the ideal experts whose skills cover the challenging middle ground between business and IT, including information strategy plans and systems.


  • Information ManagementChanges in the business landscape and rapid digital transformation require a large number of experts in information management. In response to such a demand, this course aims to foster global talents who can actively deal with the 21st ICT society through case studies on the strongest players in the world in various areas, including innovative technology, information management strategy, construction and management of information systems.
  • Software Quality ManagementThis course aims to nurture experts with suitable skills and knowledge to implement total quality management (TQM) that embraces quality planning (QP), quality control (QC), quality assurance (QA) and quality improvement, leading to customer satisfaction, survival over the fierce competition, and dominant market position.

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Course Information
Subject Classification of courses Classification Grades
Information technology operation strategy Common course Major 3
Fourth Industrial Revolution and Information Technology Common course Major 3
Family Business and Entrepreneurship Common course Major 3
The 4th Industrial Revolution and Application System Common course Major 3
Global Family Business Case Study Common course Major 3
Information Safety Research Methodology Common course Major 3
Big Data Analysisi and Future Common course Major 3
Data Information Analysis Methodology Common course Major 3
Project Resource Management Common course Major 3
Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Future of Financial Common course Major 3
The Self Management of Leader in 4th Industrial Revolution Common course Major 3
Practice of Statistical Analysis Common course Major 3
Strategies for utilizing Social Media Common course Major 3
Artificial Intelligence and Future Business Common course Major 3
Drone Industry and Safety Business Common course Major 3
Statistics for Research and Dissertation Writing Common course Major 3
Redding & Research Common course Major 3
Management Information System Common course Major 3
Smart Future Convergence and Policy Common course Major 3
Securing Founding Funds and Anti-Money Laundering Common course Major 3
Cyber security in the 4th industrial Revolution Common course Major 3
DX Era Information Management Strategy Common course Major 3
Smart Environment and Information Management Common course Major 3
Cyber Attack in the 4th industrial Revolution Common course Major 3
Conflict Management Strategy in the New Normal Information Era Common course Major 3
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